Saturday, October 25, 2008 Y 9:15 AM

Very, very busy. So I haven't really updated.
This week was pretty much just school.
It was kinda boring, but whatever.

Last night my sister had a sleepover.
She had 2 girls over. They were actually cool, so it was all good.
I scared the heck outta them like 3 times :DD

Well, that's about it for now.

Monday, October 20, 2008 Y 12:43 PM

Today was pretty normal.
I went to school. Then came home.
Now I'm just chatting with amanda and aoi.

Tomorrow I get my bellybutton pierced.
Pretty excited about that.
Kyla wasn't at school today. That made me mad >:O

Well yeah.

Sunday, October 19, 2008 Y 5:32 PM

today i didn't really do anything.
just sat at home in the chatroom all day.
me and aoi had a really good convo with some fake person.

it was entertaining. i have school tomorrow -______-;
not happy about that. yeah, bye.

Saturday, October 18, 2008 Y 3:14 PM

That's amazing 8)

Y 12:24 PM

Because I forgot the info for the other one.
Email and all. So I'm starting over. :D

Anyways, I'm trying to figure out what's going down tonight.
My mom is going to a holloween party and my sisters are leaving for the night.
So I'll have the house to myself, thank god.

Right now I'm pretty bored. Just working on this thing and watching Madagascar.
I think I'm gonna go in the chatrooms pretty soon, as long as there isn't any spam.
I miss my WPE, a lot. I used to be able to spam the hell outta people. Now I can't.

I'll have my own computer soon, though. My mom's looking into getting it fixed.
I hope it doesn't cost her too much. That would suck bad.
Once I get a job, I'm gonna save up to buy a new one.

We found a desktop out in the garage, that was her ex-boyfriends.
I think we're gonna hook that up until we can get everything fixed up.
That'll be awesome. No more sharing computers!

Well that's all for now I guess. I'm going to try and update this everyday.
I didn't do it much on the other one, and that's why i forgot everything -____-;.